
Chiropractic Senior Care

Chiropractic Senior Care

Many Seniors today believe that aging and pain are synonymous. While aging is a natural part of our lives, pain in our bodies is a signal that something isn’t right. Some diseases like arthritis can attack the joints and cause inflammation, pain, and reduce our ability to move. However, the intensity or amount of pain that you experience is often an unnecessary side effect, and there are ways to help reduce or eliminate these problems. If you haven’t considered contacting a chiropractor, then you should keep reading as there are several benefits that chiropractors can offer you to increase your quality of life during your Golden Years.

Pain Relief

Pain relief is one of the most common reasons that any patient visits with their chiropractor. While it is common to consider visiting a chiropractor for neck or back pain, you may consider a consultation for any type of discomfort.

Chiropractors commonly adjust the spinal column which houses your brain stem and the nerves that travel throughout your body after passing through your vertebrae. This means that if you are having discomfort anywhere in your body, it may be resolved or reduced by making sure that the nerve can easily pass signals to the brain.

Increased Range of Motion

Many seniors will tell you that aging commonly attacks their joints. Painful and inflamed joints can restrict the body’s ability to move freely and over time, as these muscles go unused, they begin to shrink and become weaker. After a visit with their chiropractor, many senior golfers have found that they have gained distance in their drives and gardeners find that they can finally collect their harvest without pain for the first time in years.

Better Balance and Movement

As the bones and muscles in our necks begin to deteriorate, one of the first signs can be a change in our ability to maintain balance. There are specific structures called mechanoreceptors that reside in our cervical spine and are partially responsible for helping us maintain our balance. As we age, they often experience some minor defects. Chiropractic care has been shown to help restore and stimulate the mechanoreceptors function which leads to an increase in our ability to balance. Improved balance can also mean fewer falls and a decreased chance of injury.

Reduced Joint Degeneration

If your spine is not aligned correctly, it can cause additional strain and wear on many of our other joints. When we don’t hold proper body position, our legs, hips, neck and other joints must compensate for this change. Over time this can cause damage to the joints that lead to increased discomfort and a reduction in our ability or desire to move. Chiropractic adjustments can help to bring the spine into proper alignment which allows for correct body positioning and reduced demand on the joints throughout the body which can leave you feeling better and moving more.

Increased Quality of Life

A 1996 study suggested that patients who used chiropractic care to aid in their health, versus those who did not, received several benefits. These benefits include:

  • Less evidence of arthritis

  • Increased strenuous exercise levels

  • Fewer hospitalizations

  • Fewer falls

In fact, these patients also found that receiving chiropractic care may have even influenced their ability to stay out of a nursing home. At a follow-up interview three years after the study, only 5% of the patients who received chiropractic care had moved to a nursing home compared to 48% of those who did not receive care.


Chiropractic care has been shown to be a safe and effective treatment for people of all ages. However, as our bodies age, we need to be increasingly cautious about the medications we take or the treatments that we use to maintain or improve our health. Chiropractic care is used for seniors, athletes, teens, adults, for those with injuries, pregnant women, and even babies. If you think that you may benefit from chiropractic care, schedule an appointment today.

Conditions: Foot Pain and Orthotics

Conditions: Foot Pain and Orthotics

Many people live with consistent and regular foot pain. While others may have pain that occurs only when they are engaged in certain activities. While orthotics may not be the right answer for everyone to help with this pain, it’s a good idea to consult with a professional to decide if orthotics are a good option for you.

For many it is tempting to try to self diagnose and purchase shoe inserts without consulting with a medical professional first, but the results are often minimal or ineffective. However, this doesn’t mean that you should be unprepared for your visit which is why we’ve compiled some helpful information to get you up to speed on the world of orthotics.


Shoe inserts are available over the counter in many pharmacies and shoe stores and provide an additional cushion when they are placed inside of a shoe. Shoe inserts are constructed from a variety of materials including gel, plastic or foam. These inserts offer additional support for arches, heels, toes, or the entire foot, but if the inserts are not made specifically for your foot or foot pain, they will not actually help correct any problems that are causing your specific pain.


Many consumers feel that orthotics and inserts are synonymous. However, there are several distinct differences between the two. Orthotics are prescription medical devices that are specifically designed and tailored to meet your personal needs and can help with your foot position when you stand, walk or run. Orthotics are also prescribed to help with other medical conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, plantar fasciitis or bursitis and can be prescribed to eliminate the need for surgery to correct flat feet.

Determining Your Need

Now that you’ve determined that an appointment is necessary, there are a variety of tests and images that your medical professional will gather before deciding the best options for you. Initially, many orthotic appointments include 3-D imaging of the foot to see if they can identify any problems or differences between your feet.

Next, you will be given a thorough examination. The examination will include watching you walk to check your stance, foot-strike, hip movement, and ankle movement and how that may relate to the root cause. You will also be given a physical exam to assess your ability to move and stretch your foot in different directions and angles.

If it is decided that you need orthotics to help correct an issue, a mold will be made of your feet in order to accurately create an orthotic that will work for you. There are several different materials that are used to develop orthotics, and each has specific benefits and drawbacks which your medical professional will discuss with you.

Types of Orthotics

There are two basic types of orthotics: rigid and soft. During your appointment, you should make sure to understand which type of orthotic you are receiving and why it is the best option for your condition.

  • Rigid Orthotics – Rigid or functional orthotics are typically made from durable plastic or carbon fiber. These orthotics are best paired with a dress or walking shoes and are specifically designed to ease pain in the foot, legs, thighs, and back that may be caused by issues with how your foot is working.

  • Soft Orthotics – Soft or accommodative orthotics are made from various soft, pliable materials. This form of custom orthotic is designed to ease pain and pressure on certain parts of the foot. They are often very thick and may need to be worn with a custom orthotic shoe so that they will fit without causing additional discomfort.


Now that you understand some of the details about orthotics, it’s a good time to speak to a professional about any concerns that you may have. They will be able to discuss the causes of your foot pain as well as your treatment options. It’s never too soon to get rid of the discomfort that you’re having, so schedule an appointment today!

Chiropractic Care and Pregnancy

Chiropractic Care and Pregnancy

Pregnancy is often one of the happiest times in a family’s life. However, due to the nature of growing a child within your womb, the body also undergoes several significant physical changes. The body’s ability to foster life comes with compromises to a mother’s body which can cause discomfort and pain in the back and neck. Additionally, since the fetus is vulnerable to many medications, mothers are often hesitant to take medication to alleviate their discomfort.

Chiropractic appointments can be a solution to your back health during pregnancy since there are no contraindications for chiropractic care during pregnancy. This means that chiropractic care should always be considered an option for expectant mothers to support their health and overall comfort throughout their pregnancy.

Find a Licensed Chiropractor


Chiropractors often specialize in specific issues related to your spinal health. However, all licensed chiropractors are required to complete education that specifically relates to women who need prenatal and postnatal care. Some chiropractors even specialize in the treatment of pregnant women and complete additional classes specifically related to this population.

Chiropractors who specifically work with pregnant women may also have additional equipment or tables that are specifically designed for the comfort and safety of a mother and her unborn child. There are also specific exercises and stretches that are safe for different stages of pregnancy that your chiropractor can review with you.

Why Pregnant Women Should Use a Chiropractor


The changes that occur during pregnancy can often lead to several issues that affect your back health. Some of these changes lead to pelvic misalignments, spinal compensation for a protruding abdomen, and poor posture changes.

The pelvis can often become misaligned during pregnancy which can, unfortunately, be uncomfortable for the mother and reduce the available space for the baby. Chiropractic adjustments can help realign the pelvis in order to alleviate pain and restore the size of the womb for the fetus as well as help during the baby’s delivery.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy


There are several benefits of receiving chiropractic care for the duration of your pregnancy, and even after your baby has been born.

Chiropractic care can:

  • Reduce the effects of morning sickness

  • Relieve pain associated with pregnancy in your neck and back

  • Help prevent a Cesarean

  • Reduce the amount of time in labor and delivery

  • Have a healthier overall pregnancy

  • Reduce a mother’s recovery time


Preventing Breech Presentation


Typically, while a baby is in the womb, it is in a breech presentation. Physicians aren't usually concerned with the baby’s position until about 37 weeks of pregnancy. Approximately four percent of deliveries present in a breech position, which is dangerous and potentially life-threatening.

Chiropractors are trained in a technique known as the Webster technique which aims to properly align and balance the pelvis specifically for the delivery of the baby. A balanced pelvis helps to reduce stress on the uterus and surrounding ligaments.

The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics published a study that found that the Webster technique helped to correct breech presentation in 82% of cases. The report also found that the Webster technique could be used as soon as the eighth month of pregnancy if a woman's baby is in a breech presentation.

It is essential to develop a relationship with your chiropractor early so that they understand your specific case and can respond according to your needs.



Chiropractic care is one option that many expectant mothers have used to reduce several health and comfort issues associated with pregnancy. If you are pregnant and would like to know more about the benefits of chiropractic care during your pregnancy, contact a chiropractor today to discuss your options.

Health Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustment

Health Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustment

If you are experiencing headaches, back pain, digestion issues, or other joint pain, you may be an ideal candidate for chiropractic care. Many patients who have had these issues for years have not yet considered visiting a chiropractor to review their case.

Your back, neck, and spine are responsible for maintaining our overall posture. Besides bad posture, poor spine health also has the potential to cause problems that may not seem directly related to the spinal column.



The cause of both tension and migraine headaches can often be traced to the muscles in your back being injured or strained. When this type of pain occurs, many patients suggest taking pain medication to manage the immediate discomfort. However, if these headaches are caused by muscle strain related to issues with your spine, a chiropractic adjustment can help. An adjustment works to relieve muscle tension and could reduce the frequency and intensity of your headaches. Headaches associated with back pain are one of the most common reasons that people visit a chiropractor.

Acid Reflux


Studies have recently found that chiropractic patients often find relief of their symptoms associated with acid reflux in just a few appointments. Even children who experience acid reflux have seen that within four treatments, there has been a significant reduction in their symptoms.

While it may not seem like chiropractic adjustment would help acid reflux, it is essential to recognize the nervous system’s role in intestinal health. The gut is lined with nerves that help to process nutrition. Issues that occur which are related to these nerves being able to communicate with the brain, are often found in the spine.  A properly aligned spine helps to reduce or eliminate issues with nervous system responses, resulting in effective digestive processes.

Ear Infections


Along the same lines as acid reflux, our ears are also linked through our spinal system. Our ability to fight an ear infection can be hindered by compromised spine health. Patients that experience frequent ear infections have found that chiropractic adjustments can reduce or eliminate the frequency or duration of ear infections.

High Blood Pressure


Recent studies into the effectiveness of chiropractic adjustments have linked a lowering of blood pressure in patients who have hypertension. Adjustments have been seen to be just as effective as two medications specifically targeted at lowering blood pressure.

Many patients feel that the benefits of chiropractic adjustments certainly go beyond their ability to stop taking additional medications and that these results have even lasted up to six months after the last adjustment.

Low Blood Pressure


Patients who have been diagnosed with hypotension have also been keen to receive chiropractic adjustments to help their blood pressure. Researchers believe that proper spine health helps to promote homeostasis within the body. This helps our bodies regulate proper chemical levels and physical responses because the nervous system is able to freely communicate between the body and the brain.

Surgery Prevention


Patients who have experienced severe or moderate back pain are typically open to a wide range of options to help reduce their discomfort. It should be no surprise that as medications or other therapies fall short of their expectations, a consultation with a surgeon is often the next step.

Reviewing your case with a chiropractor can postpone or even prevent the need for surgery. This often improves their overall quality of life since their body does not need to recover from an invasive procedure.



If you are experiencing any of the problems listed above, a chiropractic adjustment should be a consideration for your treatment. While multiple visits may be required, the health benefits and often immediate pain relief of chiropractic adjustments are definitely worth it. Please consult with your chiropractor to review your case and discuss your treatment options. 

Chiropractic FAQ’s

Chiropractic FAQ’s

For people who haven’t visited a chiropractor, it may be difficult to understand the potential benefits that a chiropractor has to offer. To help clear up some of this confusion we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions and their answers.

Is Chiropractic Care Safe?


Chiropractic is one of the safest forms of neuromusculoskeletal treatments available. This treatment option is non-invasive in contrast with many surgeries or procedures. Chiropractic does not use medications and can actually reduce or eliminate a patient’s need for potentially addictive pain medications since modern prescriptions contain addictive substances and when abused can lead to permanent damage or death.

Chiropractors are required to complete extensive medical education and complete more hours of in-class instruction than medical students training to become doctors. Students are also required to complete a residency program like that of medical doctors. This extensive training helps to create one of the safest and most effective treatment options available for a variety of conditions.

Is Chiropractic Safe for Kids?


Yes. In fact, chiropractic care is often very beneficial for children who are generally more active and therefore more prone to injury than any other age group. Their rapid growth also requires injuries to be addressed quickly in order to minimize any adverse effects on their development. Unlike surgeries, chiropractic care also has minimal or no recovery time for patients. Children are able to receive rapid care and feel back to normal more quickly than they would with most other treatment options.

Do You Need a Referral?


While most chiropractors don’t require a referral and many insurance plans allow you to call and schedule your appointment directly with a chiropractor, some insurance plans do require a referral. If you have specific questions about this, it is important to call your insurance provider prior to going to your first appointment. If you have any other questions or concerns, you can also contact your chiropractor for more information.

Do Chiropractors Have Hospital Privileges?


Chiropractors can admit and treat patients in hospitals and outpatient settings. This care often includes special equipment like medical labs, X-ray machines, and other diagnostic equipment.

What Education Does a Chiropractor Have?


Doctors of Chiropractic must complete one of the most rigorous education schedules of any medical professionals. Most students that are entering chiropractic colleges have already completed their bachelor’s degree in a medical field. Their education generally includes biology, chemistry, physics, psychology, and lab work. Upon entrance to chiropractic school, students must complete an additional five years of classes as well as study orthopedics, human anatomy, physiology, neurology, nutrition, medical imaging, and exercise courses among others. This is in addition to the chiropractic courses where they learn the techniques and practice of spinal manipulation and other adjusting techniques.

At the completion of their class schedules, chiropractic students will have completed over 4,200 hours of classroom, clinical, and laboratory experience.

Does Insurance Cover Chiropractic Care?


Most insurance plans currently cover chiropractic care and other plans are adding it every year. Medicare and Medicaid cover chiropractic care for their customers as well as over 60 military bases and an additional 60 veterans’ facilities. If you are unsure of your coverage, call and discuss this with your insurance provider today.

What Causes the Popping Sound During an Adjustment?


An adjustment of the spinal joints often allows for the release of gases that have built up in the spinal column. The popping sound is the pressure being released from the gas bubbles that were previously trapped in the joint. This sound is the same process as when somebody cracks their knuckles and there is often little or no discomfort associated with the sound or adjustment.



Chiropractic care is essential for the ongoing care and treatment of your medical issues. If you have additional questions or concerns about chiropractic care, please contact your chiropractor today and schedule an appointment. Their expertise is sure to leave you feeling empowered and ready to begin your healing journey.

Athletic Recovery

Athletic Recovery

Whether you are a professional athlete, or just enjoy taking part in your spare time, injuries are very much a common occurrence. Pulls, sprains, and strains occur regularly, and while many heal quickly without the need for professional intervention, other injuries may take weeks or even months away from your sport while you heal. 

Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to increase the rate at which your injury will heal and reduce any pain or side effects that you experience during the process. In addition to hot/cold therapies, sports massage, and oral pain medications, you should consider making an appointment for a consultation with a chiropractor.

Common types of sports injury treated by chiropractors


Although professional and regular sports players are less likely to suffer from injury than someone who plays intermittently, they do still occur. All of our bodies are prone to the same types of injuries, many of which can create a range of side effects, from discomfort and pain to swelling, limited mobility and an interruption to the ability to perform day to day tasks. 

In some instances, it may be an underlying problem that causes the injury, such as joint or spine issues. These often occur gradually and without symptoms, until one day, when the underlying problem causes something noticeable to develop. 

Some of the most common sports injuries treated by chiropractors include:

  • Achilles tendon problems

  • Calf and hamstring pulls

  • Golfer’s elbow

  • Groin strain

  • Lower back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Shoulder pain (rotator cuff injuries)

  • Thigh injuries

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